Berlin in winter
Where the breaths are drawn like dragons
Iron radiators that churn and drip
The little apartment rejoices in it’s drabness with a bare red light bulb
Plugged in along the floor to welcome them home
With the rain out side
Windows like a railway carriage line up along each wall
It must glorious in the summer to lie face down against the tiles in
The bathroom and wait for dusk
They talk about the evening just had
The smoke and laughter that never seems hard enough
Red lipstick and dancing blisters still pounding in their ears
Thoughts tinkling like the good crystal glasses that no one they know uses any more
Things disappear and they make do
Almost better than before
Everyone makes love before the war
In those moments you are anywhere
Everywhere and no where. A place where things are born
In a hide out belonging to an ancient hymn sung out in ecstasy
Retracing her steps as he warms his feet between her thighs
These thighs she gives to him but her thoughts are her own
The make love twice because nothing is for certain
Gasps stolen from the bell tower
Forge us on
In life
In love
In Berlin before the war